We finished the Olympic Games with 11 medals

The Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo are over and the Czechia has once again managed to excel. Unfortunately, not a medal gain, but rather a scandal – an unvaccinated doctor and a Covid-19 infection that ruined the life dreams of several athletes who had been preparing for the Olympics for many years.

But let’s not be just negative, because the Olympics in the land of the rising sun were the most successful for the Czech Republic in the history of the republic. We managed to get a total of 11 medals, which is the same number as in 1996 and 2021, but this time we had medals with more weight (in 1996 and 2012 there were fewer silver ones).

We finished in 18th place with the number of medals

We finished 18th in the overall ranking. Far ahead of Slovakia, but for example only after Poland. Lukáš Krpálek continued his previous success from Rio, but this time he won in another category. Gold medals were also brought by tennis players Barbora Krejčíková and Kateřina Siniaková, Jiří Prskavec from water slalom and Jiří Lipták from shooting. We also did well in javelin, canoeing and fencing.

Athletes came up with very nice money in Tokyo, they will receive 2.4 million crowns for a gold medal, 1.8 million crowns for a silver medal and 1.2 million crowns for a bronze medal.

Bettors also came up with interesting money

However, not only athletes could get rich at the Olympics. Bets on the Tokyo Olympics exceeded one billion for the first time in history, with the Czechs bet a total of 1.15 billion. The biggest bets were on tennis, basketball and football.

A record win was made in Prague. The tipster placed 24 bets on various disciplines for a total of CZK 6,500. His win was almost five million. He usually guessed the location, or who would do better, it was a ticket Maxikbinátor. But a lot of people also bet online, betting sites without verification are the easiest way to bet on sports.

Next time we can look forward to Paris

The next Summer Olympics in 2024 will take place in Paris, which is a stone’s throw away. Finally, we will have a relatively easy opportunity to watch the Olympics live. And the 2026 Winter Olympics will be held in nearby Milan. So we have something to look forward to.

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